
International Organisation of Vine

OIV Annual Experts Meetings

OIV board members, delegates and experts from 41 countries

English, French, Spanish, Italian, German

Proson (France)


The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) is a global body of scientists and wine experts that
study all things vine related. They are the chief intergovernmental organisation dealing with the “technical and scientific aspects of viticulture and winemaking.” The OIV was created in 1924 and re-founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Paris, France. They have a total of 47 member states that participate in regular annual meetings.

KUDO enabled us to significantly increase the number of participants in our meetings”

The challenge

The OIV hosts expert meetings in Paris every year, drawing industry leaders from Europe, Asia, Oceania, and South America. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the world of vine and wine’s regulation, consumption, and any related industry changes that occur from year to year. Like many organizations, the OIV was severely impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Their entire meeting structure was upended, leaving organizers to scramble for alternatives to in-person meetings. One of the organization’s most impactful group of events was at risk of being canceled altogether, greatly hindering the OIV’s ability to communicate vital research to its members. The OIV required a truly unique solution to overcome the combined challenges of travel restrictions, data security, and language barriers. The question the OIV asked potential solution providers was complex: How can our organization succeed in completely transferring our multilingual events of 400+ participants to one online platform?

The OIV laid out several requirements that KUDO needed to meet. Five languages needed to be fully supported (French, English, Spanish, German, and Italian), which meant fully functional simultaneous interpretation in and out of all five languages. Invites among experts had to be coordinated through individual meeting IDs and passwords so confidential information within one meeting would not be shared with outside attendees. Meeting rooms were to be created to allow listeners to request access to speak and ask questions whenever the presenters decided to allow verbal participation. Voting features had to allow participants to weigh in on important decisions. Preparation documents needed to be both shared and edited live for everyone to see. All the above needs were able to be met by KUDO, leading the OIV to choose us as their trusted partner in taking on this monumental challenge.

The KUDO Way

KUDO immediately put into action a monthly preparation plan, reassuring the OIV team that KUDO was ready for the task at hand. To kick things off, KUDO held 4 prep meetings with the OIV to onboard their internal team members in charge of technical meeting support. The registration process, rehearsal calendar, user management, daily session creation, participant invites, interpreter management, and session moderation processes were all outlined as essential for the events’ success. A total of 12 OIV interpreters were trained on KUDO’s virtual interpretation console, becoming KUDO certified interpreters for all future meetings on the platform. KUDO provided important guidelines for all meeting participants to receive beforehand. These guidelines included instructions on how to create an account, join a meeting, manage the interface, and participate meaningfully during meetings – all necessary skills to master as a user of any online platform. A total of 7 rehearsal sessions ran over the course of 3 days, allowing both delegates and participants to familiarize themselves with the KUDO platform. Throughout the course of the series of events, it became abundantly clear that this frequent and thorough preparation laid the groundwork for OIV’s success.

KUDO also provided essential daily support to the OIV once the meetings kicked off in June 2020. Regular assistance was provided to the OIV scheduling to properly schedule sessions with different formats. Direct real-time technical support was a lifeline to struggling participants that needed to retrieve passwords, troubleshoot technical issues, and ask questions about the platform. Weekly debrief meetings with the OIV representatives were held with KUDO to improve the overall meeting experience for everyone involved. Setting up these frequent touchpoints, tied with a hands-on customer-centric approach, allowed the OIV and the event attendees to have a frictionless experience with KUDO.

The Results

By working with KUDO, the OIV was able to ensure business continuity by conducting their important annual expert meetings online. But the benefits did not stop there. By successfully converting their annual expert meetings from the physical world to the virtual one the OIV found that their meetings benefited from even more growth and success than their face-to-face meetings in 2019. Here are the stats:

23 daily sessions, 3 hours each

69 hours of connection time

5 languages interpreted

41 countries represented

29% increase in expert registrations

23 daily sessions 3 hours each

69 hours of connection time

5 languages interpreted

41 countries represented

29% increase in expert registrations

The ability to seamlessly continue their important work while also substantially growing their reach was a game changer for the OIV. However, the positive takeaways from this success extend far beyond one organization. A post-COVID-19 world will transition to a “new normal”, relying on meetings with both physical and virtual participants. International meetings will forever be changed, and the demand for high-quality multilingual conferencing services on site and online will continue to grow. KUDO is thrilled to take on this new challenge and provide the leading solution for international meetings on any scale, in any language, globally. Global meetings have a new future, and success stories like this only build upon our existing excitement to launch our clients into a new era of multilingual communication.

About OIV

The OIV was created in 1924 by six member states as a response to the international viticulture crisis. The OIV is a technical and scientific intergovernmental organisation which operates under a renewed agreement, signed in 2001. It serves, today, as the organisation which brings together the world of vine and wine to collaborate within the sector.

KUDO can enhance how your teams collaborate.

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