
Global Education Cluster – Enabling Participation in Humanitarian Assistance


KUDO supports Global Education Cluster with multilingual meetings to enable civil society participation in humanitarian assistance in Ukraine

A few days after Russian armed forces invaded Ukraine this February, KUDO announced complimentary usage of its multilingual video conferencing platform to both individual volunteer interpreters as well as NGOs who are supporting the Ukrainian people during their time of need.

Being able to communicate in Ukrainian – and accurately – was absolutely crucial for disseminating key information via national actors to the local population such as life-saving knowledge to protect school children from explosive remnants”
Karina Kleivan, Coordination Specialist at the Global Education Cluster

The Global Education Cluster (GEC), a Geneva-based entity coordinating education in emergency responses on behalf of the humanitarian community, relied on KUDO to coordinate with Ukrainian civil society. GEC conducted several meetings to facilitate information sharing on the educational concerns and needs of the crisis affected population, define urgent funding priorities and not the least to include local organizations in the coordinated efforts for humanitarian assistance.

Led by Save the Children and UNICEF, the Global Education Cluster follows a unique UN-INGO co-leadership arrangement aimed to efficiently coordinate and mobilize increased funding for education in emergency situations. “To yield the strongest impact, it is crucial for humanitarian response to be as international as necessary but as local as possible” added K.Kleivan.

Beyond facilitating a well-coordinated response, being able to communicate with the local stakeholders fosters an inclusive culture where the affected are active participants and can provide valuable feedback to ensure funding is used in the most efficient way.

After announcing its initiative, KUDO received an overwhelming response from interpreters volunteering to support humanitarian assistance in Ukraine. “Being able to share information early on was key to work towards a well-coordinated response and we give credit to KUDO and the volunteers who made communication with local groups possible” concluded Karina Kleivan.

Independent operators also volunteered to provide technical support on KUDO during live meetings, allowing participants and interpreters to be guided on the platform and to fully enjoy a seamless meeting, all in the interest of continued education for war-inflicted Ukrainian children and youth.

About the GEC

The Global Education Cluster supports Country Clusters and Working Groups to work towards a predictable, holistic, equitable and well-coordinated response by providing direct and remote field support, developing guidance, building evidence, strengthening capacities and advocating for the continued prioritization of education, to meet growing education needs of crisis affected children and youth.

KUDO can enhance how your teams collaborate.

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